Gift ideas for visitors to the
Monterey Bay area and those who're lucky enough to live in Monterey, Carmel
or one of the surrounding towns:
June 2023 - Humpback Whales, Blue Whales, Killer Whales (Orcas) and Risso's Dolphins are among the marine mammals in Monterey Bay. This is a great time to give
a gift of a Monterey
Bay Whale Watch Gift Certificate. Monterey Bay Whale Watch offers
year-round trips to view whales and dolphins. Gifts can also include
laminated marine
mammal guides. |

Gifts from the Monterey
Bay Aquarium:
Bach Festival Tickets
(July 15-29, 2023)
Jazz Festival Tickets
(September 22-24, 2023)
Tickets for Christmas
in the Adobes - Annual candlelit walking tours of historic Monterey
and the adobes.
Admission Buttons for First
Night Monterey - Family fun and community arts on New Year's Eve.
Beach Golf Course Photo Cards and Prints - Greeting cards and prints
featuring the greens at Pebble Beach and Spanish Bay golf courses.
Alan's book:
A few of John Steinbeck's books about the area:
Book by Thomas Steinbeck (son of John Steinbeck):
Gift ideas for anyone, anywhere:
and Jazz Guitar CD's and DVD's by Terrence Farrell
photo cards and prints by Miriam Grebe
for the long-board surfer -- books, videos, CD's, collectibles

Gift Membership in the Smithsonian
Institution (includes subscription to Smithsonian Magazine)
Like a Local: Stories of Our Life in France by Shelley Row
- Based on the experiences of an American couple who spent a year living
in the village of Cotignac in Southern France. An ideal gift for anyone
planning a trip to France.
Fun: Fascinating Activities with Intriguing Numbers
Cat Who Went to Paris by Peter Gethers - Entertaining story
about a remarkable cat and his human companion
Imaginative Gifts for children:
Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, California - Online purchase
of tickets and gifts including scientific toys and games.
Kazoo - Switcheroo series of books for young girls.
Best of Girls to the Rescue - Girls Save the Day: The 25 most popular
stories about clever and courageous girls from around the world |
Fourth of July
Gift Ideas
Chocolate stars from See's Candies
A box of 12 chocolate stars in red, silver
and blue (six milk chocolate and six dark chocolate) would be a
great "Happy Fourth of July" gift.
Christmas Gift
Mother's Day
Gift Ideas
Day Gift Guide from Barnes & Noble
Day Gift Ideas